Adoption in China

   From a mom travelling to Fuzhou in November of 1994: "We were at the Fuzhou orphanage two times during our visit. Both times we saw older orphans (both boys and girls) outside and inside the common areas. These children seemed to have orthopedic anomalies or retardation. They seemed very well cared for. We never saw the living quarters of the children. The meeting room and offices were sparse, cold rooms. They had fruit set out for us. The orphanage staff was very warm to us. Many of the children mingled with us. We took many polaroid pictures which we gave to the children and some foster mothers, too. The director is Mr. Fu. I believe all the children under age three are in foster care with women paid by the government. Each woman cares for one to three babies. The children were in excellent health. Our impressions were poorly equipped orphanage, but a lot of love. My husband and I raised $2,000 when we got back from China. We managed to send it to the orphanage and received a warm thank-you letter from the staff."(AC)

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