Adoption in China
Pingxiang Orphanage

A former resident of Pingxiang (now living in the U.S.A) sent this information:

Pingxiang is located in the west of Jiangxi Province, next to Hunan
Province in the People's Republic of China. It is an ancient city with a
history of 1,700 years. In 1970 Pingxiang City was upgraded as a
municipality under the direction of provincial government overseeing
Lianhua County and four county-level districts (Anyun, Xiangdong, Luxi,
Shangli). Pingxiang has a total area of 1,514 square miles It has a
population of 1.72 million, of which a quarter is urban population.

Situated in the subtropical monsoon climate zone, Pingxiang's climate is
characterized by plentiful sunshine and rainfall, distinctive seasons and
warm weather. The annual temperature averages at 63 deg F, and annual
rainfall averages at 62 inches.

Pingxiang is rich in natural resources.It is renowned in coal production.
At present minerals proven available include 36 different kinds among
which coal, limestone, porcelain clay are abundant. Coal reserve totals
up to 852 million tons. A century ago, coal was mined on a large scale.
Today Pingxiang has become the largest coal producing base in Jiangxi and
is known as "coal center in southern China". Limestone reserve amounts to
5.6 billion tons, and konilite reserve amounts to 40.8 million tons. They
are raw materials for making high-quality cement and calcium carbonate.

Pingxiang is an open city with a close economic ties with Wuhan,
Guangzhou and Shanghai. With its natural and human resources, Pingxiang
will be built into a more beautiful city in the near future.

Another former resident of Pingxiang (now living in the U.S.A) wrote the following to a family travelling to adopt a Pingxiang girl:  Remember to pack your rain coats. I remember when I went back to Pingxiang and Nanchang (I attended college there) for four weeks in June 1995, it rained 22 out of the 28 days. I am talking about those 24 hour drizzle type rains, not 15 minute thunderstorms. I guarantee you it's going to be very humid this time of the year, unless El Nino changes it. High temperature will be around 90F and low temp. around 60F this time of the year. Pingxiang is situated in mountains, the topology is somewhat like Appalachian mountain regions in the U.S.  I searched the internet and found one website about Pingxiang city ( I think it gives a good description (a bit too promotional). My version would be like this: Legend has it (from a book written in the 10th century), that the name of the city originated from Confucius (551-479 B.C.), who passed by the area one time and named it Pingxiang.  Pingxiang city is located about 190 miles southwest of Nanchang, the capital city of Jiangxi province.  As the title of the webpage states, Pingxiang used to be called the coal capital of southern China  Even though coal mines 100 times the size of those in Pingxiang are mined in Northern China, due to transportation difficulties in the past, Pingxiang was the main coal supplier for southern china.  Pingxiang is the fourth largest producer of fireworks and firecracks in china. I have heard that Pingxiang Welfare Institute is actually located in the town of Anyuan, which is just 3 miles west of Pingxiang. To most chinese that are over 30, it is very likely they have never heard of Pingxiang.  However, a great majority of them know about Anyuan.   Because of the coal mining business, Anyuan was a hotbed for labor movement and communist activities in the 20's and 30's. Three of the P. R. China's founders were extensively involved with the Anyuan's labor movement:  Li Lishan who died in the 40's.  And Liu Shaoqui, the first president of P. R. China (1949-68). It was speculated that the major or sole reason Mao Zedong started the culture revolution (1966-76) was to get rid of him.  Liu died in 1970 under house arrest due to starvation and lack of medical care. He was the mentor of Deng Xiaoping.   And Chairman Mao himself (Mao Zedong).  I actually found two websites that contains some of the propagation posters and stamps published during the culture revolution era that are related to Mao and Anyuan (Mao Zedong with Mining workers of Anyuan, and Mao goes to Anyuan).  I can guarantee that at least 50 million copies of posters of this painting was printed in 60's and 70's.  These are the historical     These are not people I am really proud of, but they are historical figures and that's why Anyuan is so famous.

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